Over the last 5 seasons Kumeu Cricket Club has successfully fielded a Women’s Premier Reserve team. We have now reached the stage where we are able to offer options for our younger girls to play cricket in an age appropriate Auckland Cricket competition and a pathway to potentially play Women’s Premier Cricket for the club.
Yeah! Girls sessions are girls-only for 10–17 year olds, and all about giving it a go.
Sessions include fast-paced activities and games focused on having fun and being active with your friends.
You don’t need to have played cricket before, or need any equipment – our friendly Activators will teach you everything you need to know! Have fun with your friends, develop your skills and stay fit and healthy.
Sessions are held once a week, and are a maximum of 60 minutes.
To register please click below.
Friday Afternoons, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
6-week Programme
Starts Friday 4th November – Friday 9th December
Term 4 2022
Cost: $0.00
Girls Smash is a fun and social programme for girls school years 3 – 6. It has been purposefully designed to offer girls of all skill levels an opportunity to experience our game in a fun, inclusive format. Games usually take between 40-50mins, and all players receive an equal opportunity. Girls Smash is all about having fun and giving it a go, with no experience necessary and all equipment provided!
Children play at the home of Kumeu Cricket – Huapai Domain, in school teams of six. Games are played with a soft ball, plastic bats, wickets, and stumps – a great way to introduce your children to the game. All girls who register online receive a free Pink T-Shirt!
If your school does not have enough students to enter a 6aside team, please get in contact as we can accommodate individual registrations in our programme.
Auckland Cricket Festival day Wednesday 26th October
Wednesday Afternoons, 4pm – 4:40pm
5-week Programme
Starts Wednesday 2nd November – Wednesday 7th December
Term 4 2022
Cost: $20.00 per player
Auckland Cricket runs two competition either on a Friday afternoon from 5pm until 6:15pm or Saturday morning from 8am until 9:15am. There are two separate half season competitions – one pre Christmas and one post Christmas.
Teams are 6 aside and players should be under 11 on 1st April 2022. Dispensation can be requested for players.
Games are 12 overs aside. All players will have an opportunity to bat, bowl and wicket-keep each game.
Auckland Cricket runs two competition either on a Tuesday afternoon from 5pm until 7:30pm or Saturday morning from 9:30am until 12pm. This is a full season competition.
Teams are 9 aside and players should be under 13 on 1st September 2022. Dispensation can be requested for players.
Games are 20 overs aside. All players will have an opportunity to bat and bowl. A maximum of two players may be selected per game to be the wicketkeeper.
Pre and Post Christmas
U11 Girls Softball Smash (8 – 11 years)
Full Season
U13 Girls T20 Smash (11 – 13 years)
Early Bird
U11 Girls Softball Smash (8 – 11 years)
U13 Girls T20 Smash (11 – 13 years)
Clothing requirements
U11 Softball
All players are required to wear the Kumeu Cricket Club playing shirt and cap or floppy hat. Players can provide their own black pants or black shorts or choose to purchase Kumeu Cricket Club pants from the club office. Trainers are recommended to be worn, no open toed shoes.
U13 Harball
All players are required to wear the Kumeu Cricket Club playing shirt and cap or floppy hat. Players can provide their own black pants or choose to purchase Kumeu Cricket Club pants from the club office. Shorts are not permitted in this form of cricket. Trainers are recommended to be worn, no open toed shoes.
Clothing Costs
Playing Shirts $46.00
Playing Black Pants $55.00
Club Cap $22.00
Floppy Sun Hat $28.00
Clothing can be purchased with your registration.
Huapai Recreational Reserve, 46 Tapu Road Huapai